Hire your best Family Lawyers

A happy family is but an earlier heaven


Family law is a field of legal procedure that deals on family partnership problems, such as abortion, divorce, and custody of children, among others. In family court cases or similar negotiations, lawyers practice family law may advise clients and can also draught essential legal papers such as court applications or property deals. Some lawyers in family law also specialize in abortion, paternity, inheritance, or other matters not generally related to divorce.

Dissolution of Marriage

In order to avoid the mechanism of allegations and counter-accusations in a divorce case and to avoid needless costs involved in the process, the idea of separation of marriage arose. One party to the union must charge the other in a divorce case of being at fault on one of the prescribed grounds. Divorces based on no-fault grounds are known as marital divorce. We also provide you with guidance to work out your confusion, and we end with legal formalities. 

Parentage or Family Case

Developing parentage means getting a court order or signing an official parentage or paternity document that says who a child’s legal parents are. For example, if a child’ss parents were not married when the mother became pregnant or when the child was born before parentage is known, the child has no legal father. Therefore, even if a father is willing to claim that he is the biological father of a child
if he has never been married to a woman, he has no civil rights.

Legal Separation

A civil split is a court-ordered system in which a married couple stays away and stays apart. A civil separation is a traditional solution to a divorce where the partners are confused about the status of their union but wish to impose financial limitations and obligations, such as estate separation, dependent custody, and child care. However, for those who desire a divorce, before a court allows a divorce, a formal separation may be necessary.

Dissolution of Civil Union

Dissolving a civil union typically meets the same procedures as a divorce, but if a person leaves the state in which their civil union was granted, the legal obstacles can be immense. Civil unions are not always recognized, however, and termination in a state which does not provide them may not be necessary. When same-sex marriage became legal, some states avoided providing civil unions. Kar as a good and successful lawyer in this field, and we have never been able to process our client in the right direction towards happiness.

Declaration of Invalidity of Marriage

An invalid marriage is a marriage arrangement, rather literally, which is not recognized by statute as legitimate and lawful. When the couple no longer wants to be together, or when the marriage must be dissolved due to its invalidity, marriages that are considered to be invalid can require an annulment instead of a divorce. The distinctions between a void marriage and a preventable marriage need to be recognized. A void marriage applies to a marriage that has been invalid from the moment it took place.

Family Legal Advisor

We would be responsible for handling the compliance duties of a corporation as a legal counsel. The drafting of contracts and paperwork and the procurement of a range of legal assistance which requires duties. To take care of all your family law and to help you resolve the unclear water of resources, it is important to get your legal attorney. They will allow you to deal with all your high priority criteria and issues in Switzerland. Bring the law counsel closer to keep the legal issue away from you.

Switzerland Law and Orders

The Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation SR 10 of 18 April 1999 is the third and current federal constitution of Switzerland. It establishes the Swiss Confederation as a federal republic of 26 cantons. The document contains a catalogue of individual and popular rights (including the right to call for popular referenda on federal laws and constitutional amendments), delineates the responsibilities of the cantons and the Confederation and establishes the federal authorities of government. The Constitution was adopted by a referendum on 18 April 1999, in which a majority of the people and the Cantons voted in favour. It replaced the prior federal constitution of 1874, which it was intended to bring up to date without changing its substance.


KAR Professional Family Lawyers

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