Get your Wealth and Finance Magement team

The person who doesn’t know where his next dollar is coming from usually doesn’t know where his last dollar went.


Finance and Wealth management  Services

Wealth Management is defined as an investment-advisory practice which incorporates elements from various financial disciplines including but not limited to investment portfolio management and financial planning. In general, such services are offered by financial services companies or credentialed specialists to small businesses, family-owned enterprises and perhaps most importantly to high net worth individuals. The primary objective of wealth management services is to build the existing wealth in the long run. The most common type of wealth management sought in Switzerland as well as globally is the private wealth management service that is provided to High Net worth Individuals Wealth management services are most commonly sought out by high net worth individuals both in Switzerland as well as across the world. Many HNIs have complex investments, including overseas properties, which require the use of professional assistance, such as those offered by professional wealth managers.

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KAR is built upon the trust of its customers. Our B2B & B2C service and our experience over years have gained trusts from all across the globe.

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As promised as you wished it to be, KAR is disciplined in delivering your product and service. We’re working smartly to keep our pledge going.

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KAR is accepted and is completely safe and risk-free by the state government. Each activity is carried out by Within the state’s legal rules.



The way we do is more important than what we do. Discipline and respect are the core value of KAR. A professional team with the standard approach with challenging results is what KAR is known for.


We are here to serve you the best in Switzerland

Wealth Management

Wealth management combines both financial planning and specialized financial services, including personal retail banking services, estate planning, legal and tax advice, and investment management services. We help you with all aspects directly or indirectly related to wealth.             

Mortgages & Private Loan

It can sound daunting and a little challenging to shop for a lender. You could suffer research paralysis for too many businesses and forms of lenders to pick from. KAR will help you narrow down the area by knowing the distinctions between the major categories of lenders.

Pension and Retirement

A pension is a scheme to which a sum of money is applied over the years of jobs of an employee and from which funds are paid in the form of annual contributions to facilitate the individual’s retirement from work. Pension and retirements plans are most recommended for peaceful investment.

Tax Consultant

Tax consultants primary function is to support individuals and organizations to pay their taxes. They possess experience in tax regulations. They help to generate tax refunds and work closely with their customers during the year to mitigate their tax liabilities.   

Insurance Broker

Insurance brokerage is largely synonymous with general insurance rather than life insurance, while investment and life insurance brokerage has been continued by some brokers. This lead to a more open framework primarily focused on the early agreement of a charge for the supply of services.

Capital Restructuring

Financial restructuring is a business activity involving modifying the debt and equity combination in the financial structure of a corporation. In order to maximize profitability or in reaction to a situation such as bankruptcy, hostile takeover bid, etc., it is carried out.

Please feel free to contact me if any assistance is needed in the future

Our wide range of services has covered every category under a single hub KAR. Our services are 100% customizable and user friendly. We ensure that the customer is not availing any services that he doesn’t want to. For further information and inquiry feel free to contact us through our helplines. We are here 24×7 to find the best solution for your problems. You can also find our updates and current projects in our social pages.